Friday, July 2, 2010

PDF to SWF converstion through PHP

I want to share this to you all. I was struct to convert PDF to SWF from PHP using EXEC() function. Problem i faced is the folder name with white spaces. I was tried all the poosibilities. Finally I catch the solution. The code i used is

// Syntax: exec('path_to_exe "path_to_source_PDF_file" -o "path_to_converting_swf_file"');
// I missed the double codes (") in the path_to_source_PDF_file and path_to_converting_swf_file. Hence the conversion not happened.
// Example: [ I used SWFtools to convert PDF o SWF]
exec("C:\\SWFTools\\pdf2swf.exe c:\\test.pdf -o C:\\navneeth.swf");

I hope this will help to someone.