Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Focus module in Drupal

Focus module is Simple module that improves the user interface by setting focus on the first field in a form.

A set of default forms (log-in, search, create content etc.) are defined in the module which can be overridden by the administrator.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Drupal Auto logout using custom code

Drupal Auto logout using custom code without autologout module
Add this line in the nodeapi to get last access time

switch ($op){
case "insert":
case "update":
case "execute":
case "validate":
case "prepare":
case "delete":
$_SESSION['lastaccess'] = time();

Set $auto_timeout in settings.php

global $auto_timeout;

Add the following code to check the time in hook_footer
function <modulename>_footer(){
global $user;
global $auto_timeout;
if (!isset($_SESSION['lastaccess']) || ((int)$_SESSION['lastaccess'] + $auto_timeout) > time()) {
$_SESSION['lastaccess'] = time();
}else {
drupal_set_message("Session timed out");

Monday, March 9, 2009

Add filter format to textarea in Drupal custom form

To add filter format to textarea in Drupal custom form, We can use following code

$form['']['format'] = filter_form($node->format);


Saturday, March 7, 2009

Exclude one CCK from drupal search

To exclude one cck in drupal search please follow as in the given steps.

1.Add this into hook_form in your custom module

case 'search_form':
$excluded_types = variable_get('search_excluded_node_types', array());
$types = array_map('check_plain', node_get_types('names'));
foreach($excluded_types as $excluded_type) {
$form['advanced']['type']['#options'] = $types;
$form['basic']['inline']['keys']['#prefix'] = '<div id="pref">';
$form['basic']['inline']['keys']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
// echopre($form['basic']['inline']);

2.Add this in to hook_search in your custom module

function <modulename>_search($op = 'search') {

if ('admin' == $op) {
$form = array();
$form['search_excluded_node_types'] = array(
'#type' => 'select',
'#multiple' => TRUE,
'#title' => t('Excluded Node Types'),
'#default_value' => variable_get('search_excluded_node_types', array()),
'#options' => node_get_types('names'),
'#size' => 9,
'#description' => t('Node types to exclude from search results.'),
return $form;

3.Add this in to hook_db_rewrite_sql in your custom module

function <modulename>_db_rewrite_sql($query, $primary_table, $primary_field, $args) {
if ($query == '' && $primary_table == 'n' && $primary_field = 'nid' && empty($args)) {
$excluded_types = variable_get('search_excluded_node_types', array());
if (!empty($excluded_types)) {
$where = " n.type NOT IN ('". join("','", $excluded_types) ."') ";
return array('where' => $where);

Note : This is for Drupal 5.x
